Sunday, November 28, 2010


I am so sorry for not posting anything for a while, but I have been proper poorly with a nasty bug that I can only imagine latched on to me when I went to England. I have still got a tickly cough, but it is getting better every day. I've gone through boxes of tissues, packets of paracetamol, taken hot raki, honey and lemon, even resorted to rubbing my chest with raki. In the end I decided to banish the bug from my body, so I told it in no uncertain terms to go away.

Well, a night out in Rethymnon on Friday, seems to have done the trick. There is nothing like sea air, a brandy and hot chocolate, followed by imbibing in a bar full of young people, bouncing with loud music, for clearing your head. Unfortunately I think the wine and raki which accompanied our food managed to dizzy me up again, but that's passed through the system now, and I'm feeling right as rain.

I've been practicing Valentino most of today, as tomorrow I am getting together with the Rainbow Choir in Agios Nikolaos, to see if I can add anything (hm...) to their Xmas programme. We'll see. I might even end up singing the odd carol or two. That is good, because on Tuesday I am getting together with a few carol singers in Sissi, to discuss a bit of a sing-song there, before Xmas.

So it is all systems go. Saturday December 11th, the Agios Nikolaos Christmas Carol concert, 8.00 at the Hermes Hotel (Change of venue this year), Our end of year concert on the 12th December, with all my fellow music students, Gillian's little band. And the Rethymnon Christmas Orchestral Concert on Tuesday 21st December. In between all of that watch out for the group of singers in Sissi (date to be set).

To think, I very nearly said humbug to it all. I might even get my old Christmas tree out, and the fairy lights, why not?

I wonder if there will be any sign of Christmas in the square this year. I hope so.

Other than that, now I am in the land of the living again, I can enjoy this very warm weather that we have had throughout November.

It is also a good sign that I am better, because I have my appetite back. David and I called in at the English Butcher at Vamos and came back laden with cumberland sausage, rump steak, brisket and gammon, so tonight it is steak and chips for dinner.

I also wrote a little poem for the kids, hope you like it:


Shush - Hear it? - Reindeer bells,
Santa’s in the air,
He’s travelling from his magic land
The other side of where,
If you look you’ll see his sleigh-lights,
There – See – Among the stars,
His house is several days away
The other side of mars,
You’ve got to look quite carefully
Deep into the night, for
He has to travel very fast
I’d say the speed of light,
See – there – a glowing vapor-trail,
Oh he’s moving very well,
He’ll be here very, very soon,
You’ll hear his jingling bells,
Look at the bright star near the moon,
That’s where he pulls the reigns,
And takes the highway down to earth,
With all his toys and games,
Shush – hear it – reindeer bells,
He’s somewhere in the sky,
We’d best get home as fast we can,
To make him a mince pie,
It won’t be long before he’s down,
We haven’t got much time,
Make sure you leave a tot of rum
Some brandy or some wine,
Then while you sleep he’ll creep inside
Your house, all fat and red,
And leave a heap of Christmas gifts
Right there beside your bed,
So watch for Santa in the sky,
A red man on a sleigh,
He’s up there now, approaching fast,
And jingling all the way

Enjoy your run up to Christmas, it really is a magical time.
Love and Best Wishes,
Jane x

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