Tuesday, February 17, 2009


According to the Greek people, 'Still Life' is called 'Dead Nature'. Now I know that the Greek language has a certain 'exactness' about it, and I do appreciate that one could construe an old tin can, or a bottle, a vase even as being 'Dead Nature'.

I prefer to think of everything as having 'life' and therefore cannot accept this description. If everything has energy of some sort (even the ashes of a bonfire) then nothing can be described as 'dead'. Something may have ceased to be in the state that it was before, but the new state is still made up of some sort of molecule and that molecule is not dead, if it were then it would be a deceased molecule and in some other state, and that state would be made up of some sort of molecule... and so on... and so on.

So, let us have 'Still Life'. But please dear art teacher, don't let us have so much of it, it is so difficult to paint!

Coming soon picture of 'Jane's bottle'. Don't miss it!

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