Monday, June 18, 2012

Jane's Motivational Video - Be Nice!

Do you know, that small bunch of flowers, handed to me as a kind gesture, had a most profound effect. All it takes to make someone's day is to be nice. A smile, a few words of genuine interest and a little gift that begs no return of favour, just the satisfaction of giving. Some people find it difficult to be nice, I bet if they tried it they would be so much happier. Try it next time you feel the urge to say something nasty about someone, think nice and feel better for it. You know what they say, "If you look for the worst in someone you will surely find it." So look for the good, you will find that too.

So, the New Democrats won the election! How will effect my life? We shall see. A loaf of bread is still one euro, a tin of Heinz beans is 1.40 in the supermarket in Neapolis, sugar is 1.09 e for a kilo bag, let's watch those three things. (Of course sugar is only 1.05 e at Liddle supermarket but the petrol from Vrahassi to there and back has to be taken into account) Petrol, by the way is more or less 1.900 a litre and 30 e doesn't quite half fill the tank in my car.

Tomorrow David and I shall attend the funeral of Steve who used to live near Sissi. I haven't seen the notices yet so I don't have a time. If you are on Facebook and want to find out, then as soon as I know I shall post it.

Thursday is coming round quickly, and I have not practiced my scales this week. Maybe tonight. Next is dog walking, then my 7 minute workout, and then, (hallelujah) it will be tea time.

Have a nice time being nice!
Love Jane x

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