Walkers, Eric, Val, Carol, Eleanor and Vanessa.

OK, OK, OK, I know that I have neglected my blog fans and have not written anything for a week but you cannot imagine how busy I have been, not a minute to sit at the computer at all. In fact it is a wonder that I have had time to eat (and that is desperate).
So, what have I been up to? Well, it went like this - Monday, Walk, Committee Meeting for Flowers of Crete, and Cello Practice. Tuesday, Art Class, Shopping, Payment of Bills, Cello Practice, Correspondence (Auntie Nan poorly) Sending energy, people in bar. Wednesday Cello lesson, collection of beer supplies, began to paint the bar. Thursday morning Greek group in Kritsa, afternoon cello, bar open. Friday morning, thorough clean of bar ready for Greek group in afternoon, cyclist group 3 p.m. and get together to celebrate Lydia and Mark 2 year's in Vrahassi. In between all that, learning stuff for the next Soiree, and keeping warm in what has been a 'chilly' week on the mountain. And... we had a Flowers of Crete slide show in Ag Nik at which I sold raffle tickets, and a few properties to look at including a wonderful piece of land overlooking the sea at Sisi. Oh, and I did sleep a few hours too.
Now I am drawing breath ready for tomorrow when I have to be up early to prepare for the Spring Fayre which is being held under our pergola starting at 10.00 a.m. There will be various stalls, Home Produce, Books, Bric a Brack, Tombola, Bran Tub for kids. The weather has at last picked up and it promises to be an excellent day on the mountain. Then after tomorrow it will be full swing to get ready for the Soiree on Saturday 30 May.
Upcoming events are Julia's Art Exhibition in Ag Nik mid June and World Busking Week when Gillian and I are going to take to the streets and entertain. All good fun eh!
Walking Monday as usual 10 a.m. from centre Vrahassi.
So my lovely daughter, this 'old bird' has not lost the use of her wings just yet, just flying a bit more slowly and taking more time to do things. I want the house to be spot on when you come to stay and that won't be so far away now. My love to all my family and friends, a big hug and kiss from Nannie and Grandad, and a big wish that we will all be together very soon.
And now I really must go and do something before I have to open the bar this afternoon.
Love to all,
Jane x
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