Saturday, April 23, 2011


I don't think my Holy Week has been quite the same as my Greek neighbours'. I have not been to church, I have not baked lots of Easter treats in anticipation of visiting family and friends, and I have definitely not been fasting. The only thing I can think of that I and hundreds of other women throughout Greece will have had in common this week, is a visit to the supermarket. I went on Thursday and it was obvious that quite a few people had been to the shop before me. The shelves were in desperate need of a restock. So what have I been up to this week. Well, I certainly have not been lazing in the sunshine. With temperatures well down it has been far from warm in Vrahassi. In fact my wellies have come in very handy due to the heavy rain we had at the beginning of the week. David even went out to chop more wood for our fire, it was so cold. But in a way I didn't mind the cold because I was busy with my second novel while David beavered away on the laptop preparing Tears from the Sun to be published as a Kindle e-book.

Et voila! If you look on Amazon for Tears from the Sun - A Cretan Journey, you will now find that you are able to buy my book at a much lower price, and download it onto your i-pod, or Kindle reader. I'm very excited about it.

Our little quartet is beginning to play quite well. Cello practice always has to be squeezed in at some time during the day.

We had a lovely meal out with our friends Ian and Diana. I have to say, I was the only one brave enough to try the snails.

Zumba class nearly finished me off on Friday evening, but it's great and I'm feeling fitter already. We did not see the procession of Christ's coffin being taken around the village, but my neighbour told me today that they had a new 'Taphos' this year. I am sure that can only be a good thing for the village. We did hear a few bangers going off about nine o'clock. I was still getting over the shock of having to pay 92 cents for a bag of sugar. Hey Ho!

And yesterday (Saturday) and today, with a few but not too many easter bangs sounding off in the village, David and I have been painting inside the house. We still haven't finished, but by tomorrow lunch time we hope to be all spick and span and back to normal. Things didn't quite go as smooth as we wanted today. First of all the puppies ran through the house and Percy (paintpaws) ran straight through the roller tray of white paint. Then I took the two pups with me to get more paint supplies, which in itself was a disaster. Before we had got down the mountain one of them had woopsied in the back of the car, and before we got home again, little Phoebe was sick (as a dog) all over my gear stick. It was a good job that I had gone prepared with plenty of paper towel. Back at the ranch I began to paint again and the nut fell out of my paint roller. The roller dropped, thud, to the tiles below leaving another splodge of paint to clean up. We still haven't found the nut, and can only imagine that the fairies have carried it away.

Now, all the dogs are asleep, our electric blanket is on and we are enjoying a glass of wine before bed. I wish you all a Very Happy Easter! Jane x

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